Are you looking to increase your HERS rating business? Then processing the 45L tax credit for your builders is the answer. The 45L tax credit gives builders & developers a $2,000 federal tax credit for every energy efficient home or apartment built. It requires an eligible certifier (you) to confirm the unit meets the eligibility criteria.
So how do you get into the business of processing 45L tax credits? These three simple steps will get you started.
- Start the conversation with your builders
- Confirm their plans qualify for 45L
- Create and provide the 45L Certificate
1. Start the relationship with the builder
All 45L credits begin with an agreement between you and your builder. Most builders are unaware of the 45L tax credits and need to be educated. Refer the builder to or the IRS Notice to learn more. And this doesn’t just mean your existing builders. The tax credit can be claimed retroactively up to three years.
Looking to increase the number of builders you work with? Read our blog article how to increase your business through relationships with builders.
2. Confirm their plans qualify for 45L
The second step requires the eligible certifier (you) to confirm the energy plan qualifies for the 45L tax credit. To achieve this, upload your energy plans into CHEERS 45L from Ekotrope or Rem/Rate, confirm data matches the initial design, and run the program. You can also create a plan from scratch.
Other raters have found it beneficial to provide the builder a list of passing plans in initial discussions. This list gives the builder an accurate expectation of the tax credits if they work with you. To do this, upload the XMLs into CHEERS 45L from Ekotrope or Rem/Rate to see if they pass.
3. Create and provide the 45L Certificate to your builder
Once homes are built, sold or leased, and certified, you can move forward to create the 45L Tax Certificates. Creation of certificates from your passing plans is as easy as adding the addresses.
Note: Has the builder changed any materials since the design process on any failing plans? There is a chance those plans may pass now.
Don’t leave money on the table. Make sure your builders know that you are the best source for their 45L needs.
For more information, call or email Bruce at CHEERS 45L. As a HERS Rater for a dozen years and thousands of homes tested, he can offer you much more than just help with the 45L. (877.200.8303)
CHEERS 45L is a disruptive technology, designed to give control back to the HERS rater. CHEERS 45L uses DOE-approved Micropas software, designed specifically for the 45L tax credit. CHEERS 45L allows you to upload an XML from leading energy modeling applications so you don’t have to recreate it. CHEERS 45L puts the HERS rater in the driver’s seat. It’s online, on-demand, and available 24/7 for a Rater to create or upload plans, analyze them against the 45L requirements, and print out certificates for a single, low flat fee per certificate. You don’t have to ask permission. CHEERS 45L is giving HERS Raters the respect they deserve. Unlike some other competing firms, CHEERS 45L does not sell direct to builders. CHEERS 45L has your back!